Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Top 5 Horror Movies everyone hates, but I love

5: Dreamcatcher (2003)
Okay, so the premise of monsters that you fart out of your arse is pretty over the top and flat out ridiculous but Dreamcatcher remains a hugely enjoyable film due to the great performances of the ensemble cast and gore effects.

Damian Lewis is an absolute legend as the Mr.Grey side of Jonesy, Jason Lee has a few funny catchphrases (Fuck Me Freddy!) and Morgan Freeman is clearly having a ball hamming it up as the villain.

Stephen King even said "I'm the big mac and fries of cinema", so don't go into Dreamcatcher expecting to cower under your seat in fear....go in for a fun Creepshow style experience.

4: Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (1993)
Jason Goes to Hell is often regarded as the worst film in the entire Friday the 13th series, but it's a movie that I've slowly warmed to.

On a positive side, it was kinda cool to see them go in a completely different direction but only having Jason for 5 minutes.....what the hell is that about?

However, this is easily one of the goriest films in the entire series and has some of the best practical gore effects, a deep fryer is used as a weapon at one point!

It's fairly fast paced and doesn't overstay the welcome, so gore hounds will find stuff to appreciate about it

3: Shark Night 3D (2011)
I don't know why critics shat on this film so harshly, to me it was everything I wanted it to be. It didn't try to be anything it wasn't I will admit the 3D was kinda lame as just looked like the 2D cut-outs (with the exception of one scene where a boat explodes and the pieces fly at the camera)

The premise of filming sharks eating people for a reality show was kinda laughable but it was cool to see Hammerheads and Cookie Cutter sharks figure into the action (don't see that action)

Sara Paxton was great as the lead and it had a good soundtrack.

2: The Final Destination (2009)
Another 3D movie! Despite being successful finically, this movie was torn to shreds by critics.

Admittedly, the CGI is absolutely horrible and some of the dialogue is just atrocious (the man casually stating 'I've been trying to kill myself all day' is one of the most baffling lines ever uttered in a motion picture, he sounds mildly annoyed by it instead of disturbed)

There are some moments that make it a fun splatter film, like the racist asshole being towed by his truck with 'Why can't we be friends' playing on the radio and the soundtrack is pretty damn stellar.

It may not be the best, but this was my introduction to the horror genre, so I hold it in a special place for that.

1) Seed (2007)
Really? 3.0 on IMDB? Seed deserves at least 6. Uwe Boll may have made some terrible films in the past but this is not one of them. The only thing I give serious thumbs down to is the opening credits which shows actual footage of animals being skinned for fur coats, you can skip this scene on the DVD and still understand the if you do decide to watch this film. Skip to chapter 2 on the DVD, this opening sequence really has nothing to do with the story.

Although far fetched, the premise of a world where a death row inmate surviving the electric chair three times being granted a pardon is an interesting idea...except for when it's a serial killer guilty of 666 murders (ha....ha)

Some where disturbed a certain kill, but to me that just established that the killer Max Seed was a sadistic son of bitch who would make no exceptions...that just made him scarier to me. In most horror movies, you know the hero will probably be safe around the killer for a fight scene, but not you feel the fear when our hero meets him for the first time. Will Sanderson is a knock-out as Max Seed.

The sequence in which his farmhouse is raided by the police is also intense, you can only see what is lit by their flashlights...putting you right into the shoes of the police raiding the house, knowing the killer could jump out at any moment.

Seed is a great horror movie, it has a good story, very well done and intense sequences, a great atmosphere and very fine acting.

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